Saturday, September 28, 2013

If y'all tuned in today for a deep spiritual thought- you might as well hop over to another blog. Because that is just not the kind of day we're having around here. But, then again - after the week we've had, I think it is nothing short of a miracle that we are all in the same place at the same time and there is no fight going on. In fact - we're having a lot of fun.

By the way- everyone within the sound of my voice is cordially invited to come hear Zeb Mathews in a mini-concert at Twin Bridges Baptist Church in Alexandria. For tickets, call 1-888-HEARZEB or visit

Not really- but just give this boy a few years, y'all:

It's been a great hand-me-down day for Matthew. Thanks to Toby, he now can dress in camo from head to toe. Rendering him practically invisible. (Except for the noise). He is also sporting a pair of Toby's outgrown boots- a contribution that was very quickly regretted, since they are a size and a half too big for him and he sounds like a herd of Clydesdales stomping through the house. But he's looking good...

And here's Grace and Sadie. Cute little resemblance here, huh?

And here we have Mike Wysowski's girlfriend. An image created during the inevitable digression of our time management skills called "Cam Wow".

So that's where we are, y'all. But you know what? Most of my happiest memories happened on regular, hanging-out, relaxing Saturdays. We plan and orchestrate special occasions in our lives- but the everyday moments hold the treasures.

I hope y'all have had a great Saturday too. Especially the 16 people in Indonesia who have visited my blog. That just amazes me - but then, a lot amazes me. An eternal childlike viewpoint of things IS one of the things I enjoy about myself. It just makes life a lot more fun.

This is Sandybunn, reporting live from Albert Street for The News From Pizza Hut Heights.

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